Power Pumping: A Trick to Build Supply

Power pumping is our number one trick as Mama Coaches when talking about supply. As Registered Nurses, we assess why supply may have dropped, but this is a solution to help maintain and build up supply while we figure out why your supply is low or may have dropped.

What is power pumping?

Power pumping is an extended pumping session with strategic breaks. You would pump for 20 minutes, take a 10-minute break, pump for 10 more minutes, take a 10-minute break, then pump for a final 10 minutes.

Why does power pumping work?

It essentially mimics your baby having a growth spurt. You know those days when your baby just can’t get enough? Power pumping mimics the vigorous, frequent sucking of a baby that is growing, which triggers your body to release more prolactin, which in turn, MAKES MORE MILK!

How often should you be power pumping?

Power pumping is great because it saves you time in the day if you are actively working to increase your supply. Pumping after feeds all day long (which is often recommended for low supply) is extremely exhausting as you have a baby (and sometimes a toddler) to take care of! Power pumping can be done after your littles are in bed, and you are relaxing in front of the television. Way less stressful than attempting to pump with a fussy baby and a toddler who is ripping apart the house!

Power pumping a few times daily is usually enough to boost your supply back to where it was. If you notice another drop, start again. You won’t see a ton of volume (milk pumped) while you power pump, as your milk supply is at its lowest late in the evening and that is okay! It is the stimulation we are looking for! You should notice an increase a few days later.

What kind of pump should you use?

A double electric pump works best for power pumping. A great hands-free option is the Willow Pump. We also love the Spectra S1 or S2 pump.

But, use whatever you have! If you only have a single pump, use it but also massage your breasts with your hands while you pump. A hot shower or warm compresses on your breasts before starting may also help with milk flow.

Signs you could have low milk supply:

Low supply is a common worry we hear about at The Mama Coach. As mamas, we want to ensure we have enough milk for our babes. And usually, we do! Signs that you should reach out for help with your supply are:

  • your baby is not gaining weight
  • your baby is not having enough wet and dirty diapers each day
  • your baby cries at the breast
  • your baby is very unsettled in between feeds

If you have concerns about your supply, we offer a variety of support packages that can help answer your questions. Reach out to your closest Mama Coach to get started. Happy pumping!


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The Mama Coach is a global team of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.

Our mission is to guide families through every stage of their parenting journey by providing evidence-informed education infused with non-judgmental support, compassion, and empathy.