We’re so glad you found us.
Are you struggling with feeding your baby – breastfeeding, pumping, bottles, formula, solids or a combination?
As Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Lactation Consultants we can help.
does this sound like you?
- Your latch hurts and you feel like you’ve tried everything
- Your baby is fussing at the breast or bobbing on and off
- You are worried you don’t have enough milk and need a plan to build your supply
- Your baby is always fussy, and you’ve been to multiple providers who have told you everything is “normal”
- You want to transition to formula and have no idea where to start
- You are returning to work and overwhelmed thinking about building a pumping schedule
- Your baby refuses the bottle, and you are feeling stressed about it
- You have no idea where to start with solids, or your baby is just not interested
- You want to wean, but you’re not sure how
Tell us what challenges you are facing and we will provide education and support to help you reach your feeding goals.