
Beckie Crawford – RN, BSN

Service Area
Northern Utah

Hello--I'm Beckie! Registered Nurse, wife, mama to 12, and meme to 4. Yes, you read that right! I have 12 children (9 girls and 3 boys) ages 6-30. My oldest and I were pregnant at the same time for my last 3 children and her first 2. They were by far my favorite birthing experiences because when I gave birth to her is when I decided that I was going to become a labor and delivery nurse. 10 years later I stood in that same hospital room as a new L&D nurse. I now have over 14 years of experience in Maternal Newborn Nursing and another 8 years in nursing education. I love learning and teaching and my favorite subject is mamas and babies! I can't wait to get to know you and help you navigate this most incredible time of life.

United States