
Understanding Tongue Ties and Oral Restrictions in Infants

Understanding Tongue Ties and Oral Restrictions in Infants

Navigating the world of parenthood comes with countless questions, especially when it comes to feeding challenges related to tongue ties. In this discussion Kailey, a RN, IBCLC and mama coach in Twin Falls, Idaho, and myself delve into the complexities of oral restrictions and tongue ties. Our goal is to shed light on these issues and provide helpful insights for parents. We get how overwhelming figuring out feeding challenges can be and we want you to understand that oral restrictions (tongue ties) are a thing, however, not all babies have them, nor is a revision a first line of treatment.


How to diagnose a tongue tie

Oral restrictions, including tongue ties, can have a significant impact on a baby’s ability to feed effectively. A tongue tie should never be diagnosed strictly by how it looks. How a tongue functions and symptoms both mom and babe are experiencing will help us determine if a baby has a tongue tie or one that needs to be treated. 

Identifying Feeding Red Flags

A full feeding assessment is imperative for getting to the bottom of feeding challenges. A feeding assessment entails watching a full breastfeed and looking at latch, positioning and milk transfer. It also includes a breast assessment and an infant oral assessment. And most improtantly- a parent needs to be listened to. Learning about someones feeding journey from the beginning teaches us so mcuh as health care professionals and helps guide us to finding solutions. 

Misconceptions and How to Assess a Tongue Tie

A common misconception is diagnosing a tongue tie based solely on how it looks. It’s crucial to focus on functionality. Kailey advises against quick assessments and emphasizes the importance of a thorough examination. The function of the tongue and overall feeding behavior should guide the diagnosis.

The Role of Experienced Providers

A revision should never be a first step when working through a feeding issue caused by oral restriction. Often, the symptoms can be resolved by fixing the latch, and through working collaboratively with physiotherapists, occupational therapists and craniosacral therapists. However, sometimes a revision is necessary and can make a world of difference. Choosing the right provider for a potential tongue tie revision is essential. Parents should seek practitioners with experience in oral anatomy and feeding, whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding. A supportive team, including lactation consultants and speech-language pathologists, can provide invaluable post-revision care.

What Happens During a Revision?

Revision procedures can involve the use of scissors or laser technology. Kailey highlights the significance of choosing a skilled provider rather than focusing solely on the tools used. The procedure is typically quick, and post-operative care is crucial for ensuring a smooth recovery.

Post-revision, babies must relearn using their tongue, and improvements might take time. Some moms feel and see a difference very quickly, however many babes need time to relearn how to use their tongue without the oral restriction. Ensuring you are working with a care provider post revision to work on latch is important!

Trust in Your Provider and Yourself

You know your baby best and if something doesn’t sit right, speak up! It is always okay to ask for another opinion. No one should tell you that your baby needs a tongue tie revision without first doing a thorough feeding assessment.

Ultimately, understanding the complexities of oral restrictions and tongue ties can empower parents to make informed decisions. With the right guidance and support, feeding challenges can be addressed, leading to happier, healthier outcomes for both mom and baby.

Remember, you are your baby’s best advocate, and it’s okay to ask for additional opinions. With patience and the right support, you can navigate through any feeding challenge you may face.


If you need more support

I lead a team of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners around the globe, who share my programs and who I personally mentor.

If you are worried about your baby’s feeding, we can help.Our services are often covered through insurance.

You can find the nurse closest to you here. If you need more help you can reach out to [email protected].

Thank you so much for being a part of our community,

Carrie Bruno RN, IBCLC, MSCP


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The Mama Coach is a global team of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.

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